healing femininity
buy course
new level of pleasure
discovery of sacred sexuality
love and harmony in relationships
WE ARE BORN AS GIRLS, but we need to grow into women
Into a woman who is sexually awakened, connected to her strength and tenderness. Into a woman who makes a man feel warm and at ease, who makes him want to love her on all levels. Into a woman who is relaxed, blossoming, desirable.
Who is this intensive course for:
(1) For those who have been in a relationship for a long time:
  • want to renew the passion in your relationship, revealing love and tenderness
  • feeling that you are close, but not together - and don't know how to fix it
  • stop pulling everything on yourself and "give the balls" to the man
(2) For those who have just entered into a relationship:
  • want to combine love and sex, building a harmonious union of male and female
  • want to surrender to a man and open up in your feminine nature
  • want to deepen your sexuality and reveal your sensuality
(3) For those who broke up:
  • left an old relationship and are not ready for a new one yet
  • you feel pain, tightness in your body, lack of energy
  • you don’t understand what “that” man should be like, it seems that everything is lost
  • there is a fear that everything will go according to the old scenario
(4) For those who have never been in a relationship:
  • afraid of intimacy
  • afraid to trust a man
  • don't know yourself
  • feel like a little uptight girl
You will come out of the depressed state and love your true self
Relax and learn to trust a man
You will breathe new life into your relationship with your partner, bring back romance and vibrant sex
Know yourself and discover YOUR sexual nature
After the intensive course you will:
Let go of your fears, blocks, complexes
practice 2
Podcast about the importance of balancing the "centers" of energy in a woman's body

-- you will understand how to maintain your state from practices -

-- you will learn how to balance energy in the body correctly
After completing the practice:
— Touch your greatness
— Become a priestess and guardian of your body
— Bodily and energetic revelation of your pleasure and orgasm
— relax and open up
— love yourself completely
— connect different parts of yourself feel pleasure and ecstasy from your body
Meditation of a woman. A gentle practice for deep reprogramming of one's state and false beliefs, limitations regarding one's appearance/body.
practice 3
Meditation of a woman "erotic frankness"
Awakening Sexuality (Kali)
After completing the practice:
— This practice is "transition from a constrained girl to a woman"
— Frank, naked beauty, ecstasy from one's own body.
— Cleanse yourself of blocks in the body and mind.
— Literally cleanse all clamps from the body.
- you will get rid of tension and fears
- you will realize your strength and power
- you will release sexual energy
A deep and powerful dynamic practice for opening sexual energy and increasing body awareness.
practice 1
Mantra for opening the heart
— Open the heart center, open up to true love, from a state of joy, acceptance, and harmony with yourself.

— Gratitude is what changes life around you.
— Changes your state, changes situations, our attitude towards them.
- Reveals love and tenderness in relationships


-- Feeling of joy and love
-- Change in voice, gait, energy
-- Relaxed, soft and gentle woman
Of course, having raised the energy, it is important to direct it to the heart.
Breast massage + Tao of sex
— Turning on breast sensitivity, the most important practice of sexuality
-- Working with the pelvic floor
-- Raising libido
-- Raising energy, developing multi-orgasmicity
-- Prevention of female diseases


-- Filled breasts and unblocked pelvis
-- Awakening sensitivity of intimate zones
-- Sparkle in the eyes, relaxed sexuality -- men turn their heads
This is a deeper immersion into oneself, the revelation of one’s feminine nature.
Tariff and what it includes
IP Bashirova Elizaveta Ruslanovna
OGRN 323774600164830
TIN 772207349282
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