Public Offer Agreement for the Provision of Information Services
Individual Entrepreneur Bashirova Elizaveta Ruslanovna, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor," acting on the basis of the Record Sheet of registration as an individual entrepreneur dated February 26, 2023, hereby publishes this Public Offer for the provision of information services remotely.
1. General Provisions
1.1. In accordance with Article 435 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an offer is considered a proposal to conclude an agreement. This document hereinafter is referred to as the "offer/agreement/contract."
1.2. This offer is publicly available on the website and is addressed to individuals willing to enter into a contract with Individual Entrepreneur Bashirova Elizaveta Ruslanovna (OGRN 323774600164830, INN 772207349282) under the conditions specified below.
1.3. Acceptance (agreement) of the terms stated in this public offer is confirmed by the transfer of funds from the Customer to the Contractor’s account as payment for the services offered on the website. According to Clause 3, Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, acceptance of the offer is equivalent to the conclusion of a contract in writing under the terms of this offer.
1.4. The agreement between the Customer and the Contractor for the selected Service is considered concluded under the terms of this Offer from the moment of Acceptance until the complete fulfillment of obligations by both parties.
1.5. The rules and procedures for processing personal data of website users and customers are outlined in the privacy policy published on Providing personal data signifies full and unconditional consent to all terms set forth in the privacy policy.
2. Terms and Definitions
2.1. Website – a set of web pages available on the Internet, united by a common theme, design, and domain space, including but not limited to the domain
2.2. Contractor – Individual Entrepreneur Bashirova Elizaveta Ruslanovna, OGRN 323774600164830, INN 772207349282.
2.3. Customer – an individual or legal entity that has accepted this offer.
2.4. Information Services – information and consulting services provided by the Contractor to the Customer for a fee, according to the Programs, which may include interviews, lectures, podcasts, study materials, etc. Services are provided by publishing relevant material in a closed section of the website and additional informational support during the Program, if specified.
2.5. Unique Key – a unique hyperlink allowing access to the Program according to the selected tariff.
3. Subject of the Agreement
3.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide services to the Customer, and the Customer undertakes to pay for these services and duly comply with the conditions established by this Offer.
3.2. The Contractor’s services include:
Granting the Customer access to Program materials according to the selected tariff.
Program names, implementation procedures, dates, costs, and other conditions are posted on the Contractor's official website before the Agreement is concluded.
3.3. Services are provided remotely using text, graphic, audio, and video materials via the Internet.
3.4. The Contractor may provide services personally or involve third parties.
4. Procedure for Contract Conclusion
4.1. This Agreement is concluded by the Customer performing the following actions (acceptance of the public offer):
4.2. The Customer enters their full name, email address, phone number on the website, selects the Program and tariff, and fully pays for it. The Customer is fully responsible for the accuracy of the provided contact details.
4.3. Payment for services confirms that the Customer has read and fully accepts the terms of this public offer, including the specific service conditions.
4.4. Additional information can be obtained by contacting
5. Provision of Services
5.1. Upon payment for the selected Program tariff, the Contractor provides the Customer with a Unique Key necessary for activating access to the Program via email.
5.2. The Customer agrees not to record, distribute, or resell the materials provided under this contract for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Violation of this clause results in access termination and a fine of 500,000 RUB. Violation of copyright may lead to criminal liability under Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
5.3. Services under this Agreement are provided exclusively to the Customer and cannot be transferred to third parties.
5.4. The Customer agrees not to alter the software of the website or disrupt its operation.
5.5. The Customer agrees not to post third-party personal data without consent.
5.6. The Customer agrees not to post advertisements or commercial offers unless approved by the Contractor.
5.7. Services are deemed rendered and accepted upon sending the Unique Key to the Customer.
6. Payment Terms
6.1. Service costs and payment procedures are listed on the Website.
6.2. Full prepayment is required.
6.3. Payments are made in Russian rubles.
6.4. Payment system fees are paid separately by the Customer.
6.5. If the amount received is less than the service cost, the contract is not considered concluded.
6.6. Refunds are not provided if the Customer fails to use the service for reasons beyond the Contractor's control.
7. Dispute Resolution
7.1. All disputes shall be resolved through negotiations.
7.2. If unresolved, disputes shall be settled in court under Russian law.
8. Liability
8.1. The parties are liable for non-performance or improper performance of obligations under this Offer as per Russian law.
8.2. The Contractor is not responsible for the Customer's inability to participate in the Program due to technical failures beyond the Contractor's control.
9. Offer Validity and Changes
9.1. This Offer takes effect upon acceptance and remains valid until obligations are fulfilled.
9.2. Changes to the Offer apply to existing agreements and take effect upon publication on the Website.
10. Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights
10.1. All materials provided in the Program are intellectual property of the Contractor.
10.2. The Contractor retains exclusive rights to all Program materials.
10.3. Website content cannot be copied, published, or distributed without written consent.
10.4. The Customer is granted a non-exclusive license to use the materials for personal purposes only.
10.5. Customer reviews in Telegram channels or video recordings requested by the Contractor may be used for promotional purposes.
11. Final Provisions
11.1. In all other matters not regulated by this Agreement, the Parties shall be governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
11.2. By accepting the terms of this Offer, the Customer agrees to receive information via email and messengers (WhatsApp, Telegram, and others) about all events organized by the Contractor, their conditions, financial terms, and other details, regardless of the validity period of this Offer. The Customer has the right to opt-out of such notifications at any time by notifying the Contractor via email at In this case, the responsibility for not receiving information lies with the Customer.
11.3. If any provision of this Offer is declared invalid or unenforceable by a court, this shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement.
11.4. The Customer guarantees that they have read and understood the Federal Law "On Personal Data Protection" and the Contractor’s privacy policy. By accepting this Offer, the Customer consents to the processing, transmission to third parties, storage, and destruction of their personal data, with or without the use of automation tools, in accordance with the applicable laws of the Russian Federation. The Parties agree that the Customer’s consent includes processing the following personal data: full name, email address, phone number, and any other information received by the Contractor from the Customer. The Customer's personal data is used solely for the proper fulfillment of this Agreement and is not transferred to third parties. The provision of the Customer’s personal data by the Contractor to third parties acting under an agreement with the Contractor for the fulfillment of obligations to the Customer does not constitute a violation of confidentiality.
11.5. Notwithstanding the above, the Contractor is released from liability for breach of contract if such breach is caused by force majeure (unforeseeable circumstances), including but not limited to: actions of government authorities (including the enactment of legal acts), fire, flood, earthquake, other natural disasters, power outages and/or computer network failures, strikes, civil unrest, riots, or any other circumstances beyond the Contractor's control that may impact the fulfillment of the Agreement.
12. Contractor’s Details
Individual Entrepreneur Bashirova Elizaveta Ruslanovna
OGRN 323774600164830
INN 772207349282
Registered Address: 111024, Moscow, Shepelyuginskaya St., 10
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