You will find passion in your relationships, discover sacred sexuality and move to a new level of pleasure
but we need to grow into women
Into a woman awakened sexually, connected to her strength and tenderness
A woman next to whom a man feels warm and at ease, he wants to love her on all levels
Into a woman relaxed, blooming, desirable
Who is this course for:
(1) For those who have been in a relationship for a long time:
  • want to renew the passion in your relationship, revealing love and tenderness
  • feeling that you are close, but not together - and don't know how to fix it
  • stop pulling everything on yourself and "give your balls" to the man
(2) For those who have just entered into a relationship:
  • want to combine love and sex, building a harmonious union of male and female
  • want to surrender to a man and open up in your feminine nature
  • want to deepen your sexuality and reveal your sensuality
(3) For those who broke up:
  • left an old relationship and are not ready for a new one yet
  • you feel pain, tightness in your body, lack of energy
  • you don’t understand what “that” man should be like, it seems that everything is lost
  • there is a fear that everything will go according to the old scenario
(4) For those who have never been in a relationship:
  • afraid of intimacy
  • afraid to trust a man
  • don't know yourself
  • feel like a little uptight girl
After the course you will:
Know yourself
and discover YOUR sexual nature
You will come out of the depressed state and love your true self
Let go of your fears, blocks, complexes
You will breathe new life into your relationship with your partner, bring back romance to your relationship and bright sex
and learn to trust a man
Feedback throughout the course from a practicing body therapist. Course duration: 4 weeks
Week 1. Cleansing
You will learn to transform your anger into constructive energy to improve your relationship with yourself, and you will discover your bright side as a sexy and inspired woman.
Audio practice "Connecting with Fury"
Introductory lesson
The first week is dedicated to cleansing from old attitudes, thoughts and feelings.

We will set an intention, figure out how to complete the course most effectively. The world will literally start talking to you, the state of mind will become calm and flexible, you will feel ready for changes, for a new state.
Audio lesson "Relationship or Union?"
You will learn not only about the intricacies of relationships between people, but also about the basic principles that make these relationships strong and meaningful. You will be able to answer the main question: "Is he the one?"
Affirmations for phone:
Motivation for setting and maintaining positive thinking. Something that will help strengthen self-confidence at any moment. Collected from ancient scriptures, sayings of masters of the best ashrams of India.
Diary of states:
Reflection that will help you track your progress and pay attention to changes in your life and relationships. The diary was developed by a methodologist for the rapid implementation of new techniques and obtaining noticeable results.
The main practice of transition from a reserved girl to a self-sufficient woman.

You will gain access to the energy that turns men's heads. Energy that will make you attractive, confident, a lure.

A deep and powerful dynamic practice that reveals and increases sensuality. Frank, naked beauty, ecstasy from your own body - guaranteed. You will get rid of stiffness, literally "clean out" clamps, learn to understand your body and connect with your pristine wild nature.
Practice "Awakening Sexuality" (Kali):
Week 2. Opening the Heart
Only by opening your heart can you come to service, to connect with your nature.

After this mantra, people and events that help in the fulfillment of your true desire will begin to be attracted into your life.
Mantra for opening the heart:
Introductory lesson
The second week is dedicated to opening the heart. You will discover true love in yourself, burn away the remaining fears, dissatisfaction with yourself and others, spreading love throughout your body and around you. Healing yourself, becoming a lover from the heart, you will learn to thank, relaxedly opening up in your being and giving unconditional love to your partner.
Practice of "Reprogramming old scripts":
You will get rid of old beliefs and patterns that prevent you from opening up in relationships, dragging you into a swamp of routine and hopelessness.
Audio key "How to maintain the state after practices"
This podcast is one of the most important elements of the course. You will understand how to maintain the results after the practices and how to integrate them into everyday life. Lisa opened the world of practices to more than 3,500 women, and after 2 years of working with students and 8 years of personal work, she found a method that helps to consolidate the results of the practices.
List of recommended literature:
A list of the most interesting books that Lisa personally selected so that you could delve deeper into understanding yourself, the nature of relationships, and your partner's motives. The best teachings for spiritual development - in one place.
Audio “Prayer of Gratitude”
Having raised the energy, it is important to direct it to the heart. Gratitude is what changes life around. It changes the state, changes situations, our attitude to them. You will open up to true love, from a state of joy, acceptance and harmony with yourself.
Week 3. Sexuality
You will learn how to harmonize your energy in the body correctly and maintain this state after the practices.
Podcast: The Importance of Balancing the Energy "Centers" in a Woman's Body:
Introductory lesson
The third week is dedicated to the revelation of sexuality.

You will enter into your true pleasure, revealing a new perception of yourself as a woman. You will know your unique body, your depth with a huge number of gifts. You will awaken your sensuality and orgasm. You will connect male and female nature, moving to a new level of intimacy with your man.
Woman's Meditation "Erotic Frankness":
You have never known yourself like this! You will free your inner eroticism and learn how it can improve your attractiveness and intimacy. Very carefully and tenderly, with the help of your voice, you will awaken your "sleeping courtesan" inside you. This is a very exciting path!
Breast massage + Tao of sex:
The most sensational practice that gives instant and memorable results.
It is so effective and bright that it can be used as a secret weapon when you need to attract the attention of all men.

  • full of juices, lush and beautiful breasts, from which you get high regardless of size and shape;
  • adjusted hormonal background and cycle, sparkle in the eyes, relaxation and sexual energy in every cell of the body.
  • This is the development of multiorgasmicity!
  • Bonus: prevention of endocrine diseases and breast cancer.
Support from Lisa and the curator throughout the course
  • This is our biggest gift! For the first and most likely the last time on such a product we provide feedback to everyone - in unlimited volume.
  • With such support you simply cannot fail to get results.
  • This has never happened before! For the first time, we are creating a community of girls who have chosen a spiritual path for themselves, who have chosen themselves and a bright, full of emotions and energy life without compromise.
  • In the community, you find friends and support for many years. And you can be one of the first to join it
  • 10-day pre-training

  • Training lasts 4 weeks!
And the most important thing is INNOVATION
Elizaveta Bashirova is the founder of the women's community Moon of Woman, a certified master of meditation and breathing practices, a body-oriented therapist, and a spiritual guide for over 3,500+ students around the world.

— "Osho Institute Satori", master of dynamic meditations
— "AMRIT NAM SAROVAR" - a French school, a teacher of kundalini yoga
— Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology "IPiKP", advanced training in the specialty "Body-oriented psychotherapist"

"My mission is to show every woman HOW to live in harmony with herself and the world: to know sacred sexuality, to enjoy herself and her body; how to connect with her strength and tenderness and attract the most worthy men"
1 week "Cleansing"
2 week "Opening the Heart"
3 week "Sexuality"
5 body practices
2 meditations
3 exclusive podcasts

Instructions for practices
General chat community
Feedback in the chat from a practicing body therapist
Access to materials for 3 months

  • List of recommended literature
  • Affirmations on the phone
  • Diary of states
Access to the course is given for three months, the intensive itself is designed to perform practices from 21 days to 3 months, depending on the depth of the result you want to get
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IP Bashirova Elizaveta Ruslanovna
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