the radiance of femininity
Reveal a new state of a woman who can do everything

Be yourself in all manifestations. Freedom to choose and manage your energy.
Truly love yourself.
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Natural femininity and sexuality are in everyone
But it is hidden behind a layer of fears and imposed complexes. By revealing your truth, you allow the energy to be released, receiving in return contact with your body, sexual energy, love and self-pleasure.
Femininity is not about conforming to “beauty standards” or other people’s expectations.
Femininity is about being yourself and loving yourself as you are. Radiating that special energy that attracts people to you.
He understands that he is not going where he really wants to go.
Для тех, кто хочет найти гармонию с собой и своим телом
Tired of making wrong choices and wants to hear what his heart, his intuition REALLY says
Wants to establish contact with yourself, with your body, to find balance and harmony within
Dreams of taking her relationship with a man to a whole new level: improving the existing one/getting rid of the old one/entering into a new one
Wants to find support and self-confidence, OWN true path, without paying attention to other people's opinions
Ready to reveal your sacred sexuality and discover a new level of sex and orgasms
You will learn to enjoy yourself, accept yourself and your body
You will become sexy, desirable and a lure for men
You will start to get bright, real orgasms
Learn to relax and replenish your energy in any situation
your result
You will stop being in a constant race and learn to be in the moment “here and now”
You will find peace and confidence in yourself and your actions.
You will learn to hear yourself and your desires. You will stop betraying yourself.
You will remove blocks and clamps in the body
Practice "Cleansing Kundalini"
Inside each of us there is a wild and unbridled woman. We often hide our shadow, do not let it manifest, and therefore do not draw our strength from it.
This practice will help get rid of blocks in the body, remove old grievances and complexes and release a powerful flow of energy.
Podcast "Femininity"
What is true femininity and how to develop a smooth, gentle and alluring woman in yourself.
Podcast "Love for Yourself"
How to create a source of love within yourself and become a magnet for others? How to learn to look at yourself with a loving gaze?
It will teach you to treat yourself as the most beloved person in the world.
Tantra Yoga “Sexual Turn-On”
After this practice, some experience orgasms. Total immersion in your sensuality. TOP-level pleasure. And you will also learn to use sexual energy as a source of inspiration and creativity, which will enrich not only personal relationships, but life in general.
Body practice “Relaxing women's yoga”
This practice is ideal for harmonizing and balancing the physical and psyche. Develops intuition, helps to hear the inner voice. This is a deep relaxation of the body and mind, which will relieve tension, restore balance and increase emotional stability.
Elizaveta Bashirova is the founder of the women's community Moon of Woman, a certified master of meditation and breathing practices, a body-oriented therapist, and a spiritual guide for more than 3,500+ students around the world.

— "Osho Institute Satori", master of dynamic meditations
— "AMRIT NAM SAROVAR" - French school, teacher of kundalini yoga
— Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology "IPiKP", advanced training in the specialty "Body-oriented psychotherapist"

"My mission is to show every woman HOW to live in harmony with herself and the world: to know sacred sexuality, to enjoy herself and her body; how to connect with her strength and tenderness and attract the most worthy men"
  • Tantra yoga "Sexual inclusion"
  • Body practice "Relaxing female yoga"
  • Practice "Cleansing kundalini"
  • Podcast "Love for yourself"
  • Podcast "Femininity"
  • 3 body practices
  • 2 podcasts
  • Access to materials of the intensive 3 months
  • Audio and video instructions for practices

  • Audio lesson "How to prepare for body practices"
  • Methodology of states after practices
  • Self-reflection diary
Доступ к курсу предоставляется на три месяца, сам курс рассчитан на выполнение практик от 7 дней до 3 месяцев в зависимости от глубины результата, который вы хотите получить
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IP Bashirova Elizaveta Ruslanovna
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TIN 772207349282
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